Angie Hunt

Angie’s oil paintings explore conflicting feelings of escapism and containment, of wilderness and domesticity.

Isolation is a recurrent theme in her work.  Her small, solitary houses are inspired by trips to the Western Isles of Scotland where the old crofters' cottages, set alone in that wild coastal landscape, caught her eye and moved her.  

These remote cottages represent safe havens in their exposed, weather-beaten landscapes. Angie uses the humble dwelling to explore our response to Isolation, both intended and enforced, and to the essential paring back that it brings. 


Born and brought up by the sea in NorthWest England, the coastline has always been the touchstone of Angie’s life and art.  Now based in the landlocked Cotswolds, she is frequently away on coastal walking and sailing adventures gathering sketches, photos and memories that later merge into simplified compositions back in her studio.  She paints on wood and is interested in materials, with collaged papers, found objects and beachcombings often featuring in her work.  

After a career in TV and advertising, Angie gained a Fine Art BA(hons) in 2015 and has since been working as a full-time professional artist with regular studio shows in The Cotswolds.  

Recent successes include having work selected for the RA Summer Exhibition, the ING Discerning Eye, Wells Art Contemporary, Broadway Arts Festival,  Green&Stone and Chelsea Arts Club.  She is an active member of Oxford Art Society.